Self-Care Mummy Blog Series - Week 2

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This New Year I’m talking all about Self-Care as a mum and how important it is to take that time for us. Every week I’ll be bringing you a new guest blog post with some top tips and hopefully throughout the next few months we’ll have put together an amazing list of different ideas for self-care.

This week is Victoria from Wandering Eve.

Tell us a bit about yourself - who you are, what you do and a bit about your family:

My name is Victoria. I am a wife and mummy to a two-year-old girl called Autumn. 

Prior to having my daughter, I worked for 20 years in a senior management role of a large corporate and once I had Autumn, I realised how important balance was so I left the corporate world and started my own small business. 

Wandering Eve came about after I struggled to find maternity clothes that embodied my bohemian style. Disillusioned with what the high-street had to offer, I decided to launch a range which celebrates the individuality of our free-spirited souls through pregnancy, breastfeeding and beyond.

Wandering Eve is a celebration of femininity and the beauty of creating another being.


What do you do for self-care as a mum and how do you make time for self-care?

When we become mums, our lives are next level hectic and the term motherjuggler sums it up perfectly.

There are 3 things that are my non-negotatables each week. 

Firstly, attend a pilates class - I have always been a huge fan of pilates and since becoming a mummy, it is more important than ever that I connect with my soul. Every Monday I attend a pilates class. This helps me reconnect with my mind and my body and helps start the week on a high

Secondly, I start every morning with my daily gratitude, I write down 3 things I'm grateful for. This helps me to start the day with a leap in my step

Thirdly and this is something I do every day is drinking 2 litres of water. It can be really hard at first to do this, however, I have become really disciplined with this. I have a 1 litre water bottle that I take everywhere and I make sure i have a little before 12pm, then a little after 12pm. Initially, it took me a good few weeks to get into the groove of this and the benefits have been incredible. Not only is my skin brighter, but I also have so much more energy.

What are your three top tips for self-care for mums?

1. Do something, even once a week where you reconnect with yourself, like pilates or yoga or even just a walk
2. Daily gratitudes
3. Drink lots of water

Are there any products/businesses/podcasts ect that you would recommend for self-care?

I’d recommend this website

You can see more of Victoria over at:

Website | Blog

I hope you enjoyed reading this lovely guest blog post by Victoria all about self-care as a mum! Be sure to check out the blog next week for another guest blog post all about self-care!

Have a lovely day!

Emma x

If you would love to take part in this blog series please head to our website here!