Self-Care Mummy Blog Series - Week 1

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This New Year I’m talking all about Self-Care as a mum and how important it is to take that time for us. Every week I’ll be bringing you a new guest blog post with some top tips and hopefully throughout the next few months we’ll have put together an amazing list of different ideas for self-care.

This week is Maxine from Digital Bon Bons.

Tell us a bit about yourself - who you are, what you do and a bit about your family:

I'm Maxine. I live in Kent with my husband and daughter Ava. We've also got two cats and a snake. We're quite a kooky bunch I'd say. We love really fun things in our home like vintage signs or decor, we love colour too. We're also big film fans. I work for myself. I help kids brands and parent focused businesses with digital marketing. I want businesses to see more fun and less overwhelm with it all.

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What do you do for self-care as a mum and how do you make time for self-care?

Ooooh so I have learnt the hard way about self care and by that I mean I wasn't doing it. I don't think I've ever really shown myself self care and definitely not since becoming a mum or recently a business owner. It reach a bit of boiling point for me and I then realised that I really need to start looking after myself and start self care. I try hard every day to start my day slowly, after the school run madness I like to come back and eat my breakfast, slowly. I then like to sit and enjoy my tea with no other distractions. I find my mind is always active, always on and so cinema or watching a film is a great self care exercise for me because I enjoy it so much and I'm just in a zone for 2-3 hours. I also do a gratitude journal every night and I like that it's part of my routine. I also like to reflect on what's gone right in the day and not the bad. I try and make time for it as much as I can and not let it fall out of my priorities. It's hard though.

What are your three top tips for self-care for mums?

I don't know if I've been doing it long enough for tips 🙈 but I would say don't see it as a pressure. I think when you do it then becomes another thing on the to do list and then a chore and it shouldn't feel like that. It should feel fun, reflective and the aim is for you to feel better afterwards and have that time. I'd also say find what self care works for you. There can be so many opinions on what is and isn't self care and I think it's what is your version of self care. I know people might think cinema isn't self care but for me, it is, its my time. For me. And finally, it can be hard to get into a routine of self care I think especially if you haven't been showing yourself some love and care in a long time so maybe start small. Baby steps.

Are there any products/businesses/podcasts ect that you would recommend for self-care?

I love Clementine app. That's fab and the podcast is great too. I really enjoy reading Psychologies Magazine too. Again even reading a magazine un interrupted with a tea is self care for me but I like this because of the tips and advice it gives.

You can see more of Maxine over at:

Website | Facebook | Instagram

I hope you enjoyed reading this lovely guest blog post by Maxine all about self-care as a mum! Be sure to check out the blog next week for another guest blog post all about self-care!

Have a lovely day!

Emma x

If you would love to take part in this blog series please head to our website here!