How are you feeling as you head in to a new year?

Have you reflected on how 2024 went for you?

As we approach the end of another year, and we move towards the next one, this season is a perfect opportunity to review and reflect on the previous year. Spending time to review and reflect on your 2024 is a gorgeous gift you can give yourself, to say goodbye to the previous year, and to get clear on how you want your 2025 to look.

So I’ve designed this gorgeous printed journal {available on Amazon}, a coach in your pocket!

A perfect way to gain the tools and resources around your life so that you can easily reflect on your 2024 as you move in to your 2025! 

These tools, prompts and questions in the gorgeous journal will help you to design a life you love using reflective questions to help you look back on your 2024, what you have done, what you have learnt. And then moving on to 2025 and getting really clear on what you want this new year to be about, what are your dreams for this year. You will be guided by simple yet insightful questions that will make reflection enjoyable with ease and flow.

Ready to achieve your goals and create a life you want?

The Review and Reflect Your 2024 Journal will help you to feel inspired as we move in to this new year and feel motivated with a clear focus and intentions, helping you to set achievable heart lead goals, that you will feel motivated and ready to work towards, to create the life you want.

What would your life look like in 2025 if it could look like anything?

The journal will help you to Review and Reflect on your 2024 and create a clear vision for your 2025. This is the place for you to reflect on how 2024 went for you so that you can decide what to take in to 2025 and what you want to leave behind. It will help you to explore this prompt {amongst many others} and help you to look forwards to 2025 with support and guidance.

By starting today, whether that is at the start of the year or mid way through, you can use the journal to review and reflect every year, building on your vision for your life and family.

So grab a pen and a notebook, get yourself comfortable and gift yourself some time to Reflect and Review your 2024 with me.

So are you ready to thrive in 2025 and start to reflect your life? 


“The course has been fantastic in guiding me to approach 2024 with compassion instead of the pressure of needing to make a change. The accountability hour was really helped me to schedule in some time for myself.” {Emma}

“Just finished the 2023 section, it’s given me quite a bit to think about to be honest but I’ve decided to call 2023 my year of realisation! Now in 2024 I can put all the things I’ve learned into practice hopefully” {Catherine}

“Thank you Emma, it was a lovely, calm and supportive space to reflect on 2023” {Abbie}

“This is a great journal to get and is full of useful questions to ask yourself” {Susie}

“I’m loving it so far, I like that fact that it’s self paced too so I can do a bit each night once my son has gone to bed” {Catherine}


What is included in Review and Reflect Journal?

The Review and Reflect journal can either be purchased as a printed journal from Amazon or as a digital journal.

The journal is 110 pages with activities to support you in listening to your intuition and really digging deep in to what you want your 2025 to look like!

There are seven sections included in the journal, including space to review and say goodbye to 2024, space to welcome in 2025, a section to dig even deeper into your reflections with space to get creative, space to set your intentions for 2025, quarterly check ins against your 2025 vision, an overall yearly reflection and space for notes too.

The journal includes beautiful and insightful questions to support you to say goodbye to 2024, welcome in 2025 and move through the next year with a clear vision of what you want your life and business to look like.

What is it like working with me?

Through my coaching I will hold the space for you and together we will work from where you are now to where you want to be and I will help you listen in to your intuition and support you to develop your self awareness, as well as support you to set actionable goals to help you move forwards to where you want to be.

What is Practical Magic™?

Firstly it isn’t a way to fortune tell or predict your future and it isn’t a replacement for therapy. It’s a way of tuning into your intuition using the cards from the Activation Deck as creative prompts, it is a tool for self enquiry, helping us to move out of a stuck state and in to one of curiosity, of activation, of overcoming barriers and overwhelm. It is a beautiful tool to help you feel empowered to come to your own answers, explore the possibilities and tune in to your intuition and full self. It is a way of creating and bringing your magic, your creations in to being together in a transformation space. *Practical Magic Activation Deck™ (created by Kate Taylor) 

What is mBIT?

mBIT is a beautiful modality and provides the tools to communicate with the head, heart and gut brains and to align and integrate them, using powerful multiple Brain Integration Techniques. Through the mBIT processes you can tap into the deep intuitive wisdom of your gut brain, aligning these with the creative insights of your head brain and then align it all with powerful heart intelligence.

What is NLP?

NLP, stands for ‘Neuro Linguistic Programming’ and comprises models, techniques and strategies to help you understand how the language you use influences the way you think and the results you get. Through strategies, tools and techniques NLP can support you in life changing transformations and empowers, enables us to understand the way our brain processes the language we use and how that can impact on our past, present and future experiences.

“Emma's Review and Reflect workshop came at a perfect moment. It was just the right amount of time for me to pause and realise that the past 6 months have had just as much light as dark, and going forward I'm in control and that's it's all about setting the right intentions and bringing in more of what I want from life.” {Becky}

“I really enjoyed this workshop and it was so useful to reflect and review. I really enjoyed the card pull using the practical magic card deck and really valued the time within the workshop to explore these.” {Amy}