Motherhood and Parenting Coach and Self Care Expert Emma Benyon

It’s time to have more energy, more balance and more clarity in motherhood …

Motherhood is busy, challenging, incredible and beautiful, often all in the same moment. It is a wonderful transformational space, a space where we as mums grow too.

Our lives fundamentally change and perhaps some of the things we enjoyed before hand don’t feel quite as enjoyable now. And in amongst the sleepless nights, the school runs, the groups, the activities, the constant supply of snacks, you can feel completely lost with who you are, exhausted, depleted and constantly multitasking.

Within this though, there is a huge space for transformation, for discovering new things that bring you joy, for discovering your purpose, your passion, for space to grow and make time for you and your needs. I can help you get un-stuck so you can move forward to live the life you deserve.

Are you…

  • Feeling lost with how to support yourself or what you need?

  • Feeling stuck with where you are right now?

  • Feeling lost with who you are and what you want from life?

  • Feeling exhausted and like you are constantly multitasking?

  • Feeling like everything is a compromise and that your needs are at the bottom of the to do list?

  • Tired of keeping up with the ‘juggle’ and spinning all the plates?

  • Wanting to move forward but don’t know how?

  • Wanting more energy and clarity?

  • Feeling overwhelmed and not sure where you need to make shifts?

  • Have lots of ideas but aren’t sure where to start?

  • Ready to have more balance, energy and clarity?

Then coaching could be for you to support you to have more clarity, more balance, and the tools and techniques to live your life the way you want to!

Motherhood and Parenting Coach and Self Care Expert Emma Benyon

So what does coaching with me look like?

It’s time to tune in to what you really want, where you want to be and to take the steps to live the life you really want.

Together we will work from where you are now to where you want to be and I will help you listen in to your intuition and support you to develop your self awareness, as well as support you to set actionable goals to help you move forwards to where you want to be.

The coaching space we create together will be a calm, nurturing, supportive space, where you can explore your ideas, thoughts, feelings and decide on the actions you wish to take.

Coaching with me will include:

~ An initial 20 minute Discovery call

~ 1:1 sessions

~ A personalised guided breathing exercise

~ 1-2-1 message support in between sessions and for 2 weeks afterwards

~ A personalised blueprint to support you on your journey

~ Goal Setting and accountability 

~ Pre and Post session tools and techniques

~ Email follow up with an abundance of support and resources to continue your journey

Coaching can also include:

~ Card Pulls from the Practical Magic Activation Deck™

~ Activations/Creative Activities

~ Visualisation or Relaxation

~ Breathing exercies

~ NLP and/or mBIT tools and techniques

~ Self Care practices

What type of sessions do I offer?

As a motherhood coach, and a busy mum myself I know that our time as mums is precious and often we can struggle to commit to things, and struggle to then be focused when we do {the motherhood mental load is a lot right?}.

This is why I offer a range of coaching support from the traditional 1:1 Video Call, to 1:1 phones calls so you can get out and walk at the same time, to 1:1 Pocket Coaching Packages, where you will have access to coaching with me via voice notes and messages for a month at a time.

Coaching has to work for you around your life as it is now, so that you get the most benefit you can and feel motivated to take the steps you want. Working with a coach, like me, is making a commitment to yourself and the life you want to have.

Not ready to take the next set with 1:1 coaching yet?

Take a look at my upcoming workshops and group programmes, along with a range of On Demand Self Paced Courses, including ‘Discovering your Values’, ‘Getting Started with Journaling’, and my signature ‘Self Care ~ Time for You’ Course. These self paced on demand courses are perfect for busy mums, as you can access the courses where and when fits perfectly for you ~ a coach in your pocket, a perfect way to gain the tools and resources around your life so that you can easily discover your values and bring more of them in to your life.

“Emma helped me to reach a place of clarity on what my values are, and reminded me how to connect with them and live my life according to them - rather than old beliefs and values that don’t belong to me. I really appreciated her tailoring each session to where I was at at the time and what I wanted to focus on. She is very compassionate, perspective and understanding” Ellie (1:1 Coaching Client) 

Motherhood and Parenting Coach and Self Care Expert Emma Benyon

“Emma is a great coach. She listened to what I said and not only asked the right questions to enable me to go in the right direction, but she also offered useful advice at points. She is friendly and helpful” Naomi (1:1 Coaching Client) 

Who am I?

I’m Emma, mum to a six year old, Motherhood Coach and Educator, Self Care Expert and host of the Self Care and Motherhood Edit Podcast and full time post 16 educator.

I am on a mission to is to support mums to thrive and live a life they truly want. 

I am a licensed Practical Magic™ Coach and Facilitator, Certified mBIT Coach, NLP Master Practitioner, Certified Level 5 Coach, writer, creative and magazine editor.

For the past six years I have been working with mums and creating a wonderful community, encouraging mums to take time for themselves, to do the things they love and that bring them joy. My own journey of self discovery has been a wonderful, magical experience, leading me right here to facilitating others to do the same.

“I've been working with Emma for several months now and find the sessions invaluable. She manages to gently encourage me to work through my thoughts and make action plans. Emma has the balance right between gently encouraging and setting targets.” Lucy (1:1 Coaching Client) 


How to book:

Coaching with me can be booked in for various blocks of sessions, perfect for if you want to feel in to where you are going with a more focused, longer block of sessions or if you want to a shorter block of sessions or a one off session to gain some initial clarity for where you are going. Video sessions and initial calls will be hosted on Zoom and can be recorded upon request so you can watch it back, if you wish.

You can book a discovery call with me which will enable us to get to know each other, discuss what coaching is and also what it isn't. We'll also be able to talk through some of the main challenges and barriers you are facing and how coaching with me can help you.

Following on from this discovery call if we both feel that coaching with me is right for you then we can discuss the packages I offer and how this will work for you. Then we'll get your coaching with me booked in, with the type of sessions and package which is right for you.

You can book a Discovery call here or pop me an email to

Once you have made payment for your Coaching you can book in your preferred time with me. The 1:1 PocketCoaching Packages will start from the date payment is made for one month.

What is it like working with me?

Through my coaching I will hold the space for you and together we will work from where you are now to where you want to be and I will help you listen in to your intuition and support you to develop your self awareness, as well as support you to set actionable goals to help you move forwards to where you want to be.

What is Practical Magic™?

Firstly it isn’t a way to fortune tell or predict your future and it isn’t a replacement for therapy. It’s a way of tuning into your intuition using the cards from the Activation Deck as creative prompts, it is a tool for self enquiry, helping us to move out of a stuck state and in to one of curiosity, of activation, of overcoming barriers and overwhelm. It is a beautiful tool to help you feel empowered to come to your own answers, explore the possibilities and tune in to your intuition and full self. It is a way of creating and bringing your magic, your creations in to being together in a transformation space. *Practical Magic Activation Deck™ (created by Kate Taylor) 

What is mBIT?

mBIT is a beautiful modality and provides the tools to communicate with the head, heart and gut brains and to align and integrate them, using powerful multiple Brain Integration Techniques. Through the mBIT processes you can tap into the deep intuitive wisdom of your gut brain, aligning these with the creative insights of your head brain and then align it all with powerful heart intelligence.

What is NLP?

NLP, stands for ‘Neuro Linguistic Programming’ and comprises models, techniques and strategies to help you understand how the language you use influences the way you think and the results you get. Through strategies, tools and techniques NLP can support you in life changing transformations and empowers, enables us to understand the way our brain processes the language we use and how that can impact on our past, present and future experiences.

“Emma is a fantastic coach, she listens, understands and is very patient. She has helped me build confidence in myself and most importantly my business. She set challenges, and weekly goals to help focus me and spent lots of time between sessions to check in. She reviewed leaflets and business card, she grounded me when my head was all over the place and used card pulls to help with my focus and direction. I am so thankful for Emma and her knowledge and skills.” Jen (1-1 Coaching Client) 

“Feeling so much more positive about the week ahead, you’ve given me the nudge I needed to move forward” {Karen}