Isabella is ONE

This week is not only a week to celebrate Isabella turning ONE but its also time to celebrate me and Chris surviving our first year of being parents and I think it’s also only fair to celebrate my ‘birth’ day too!

This first year of parenting hasn’t been easy. Its definitely been a rollercoaster of emotions and events. In one way I am glad the first year is over so we can start afresh next year but I’m also sad that it’s over too, because I have so many regrets.

As you may know I’ve found the transition into becoming a mum tough and with my diagnosis of PND, I don’t think it’s the first year any of us expected. What should have been the most exciting time of our life wasn’t and I’ve spent most of the past 12 months feeling not myself. Returning to work following maternity leave added further emotions and guilt into the mix.

But it has been a year of learning new things about myself, about what I want and about what I need. I’ve found a new passion in running my own business, sharing my story and raising awareness of maternal mental health and I’ve achieved things I could only have dreamed off.

So this week as we celebrate Isabella turning ONE I’ll also be celebrating these things too!

Emma x

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