Isabella and Us. Mummy Blog Series - Carly


This morning I am so excited to be bringing you another blog for our Mummy Blog Series! Every week one mum will be answering two questions and a few This or That questions sharing some of their stories about motherhood!

Today it is the turn of the lovely Cs.

Tell us a bit about yourself …

I am a mom of two little girls. They are 7 and 5 years old. We have recently moved to the UK from South Africa, but both girls were born in Zimbabwe, where I am originally from. When we moved to the UK in June this year, my 14 year old step-daughter came to live with us too, so my poor husband is well and truly surrounded by his women. As a family we love to travel, whether that is a day trip to a local attraction or a two week road-trip across Southern Africa.

My blog is my journey as a mom. It’s not so much about my girls, it’s more about me as their mother. I have been blogging for two years now, it’s my happy place.


What is your biggest mummy win to date?

My biggest mummy win to date is not one moment in time that I can point to, but the one thing I am most honoured to have achieved is “I am their constant”. No matter what, I am always there for them. Always.

Due to my husband's job I have spent a lot of time solo parenting over the past 7 years, especially the last 5. We have moved a lot. We have started over again too many times to even count.

Throughout all of that, I am always there. I know it's not a big over the top gesture but being able to be there for them through the new towns, the new schools, the new country, the goodbyes, the first days. I do every single school drop off or pick-up, unless my husband has time off work and the opportunity to do it. When he does, it’s like a big treat for them, and him. I attend every parent-teacher meeting, ever sports day, every dance class and every end of year concert, and even every playdate or birthday party. Me. I am their constant.

It’s hard work. It’s exhausting. It’s draining.

But, it’s a privilege. It’s an honour. I’m their mom.

What is your 'you know you are a parent when' moment?

For me it’s that moment when you realise that your own parents are only human, that they did their best for you, and they actually did know better.

As a parent, all we want to do is make sure our kids get the best of us, that we do our best for them and pray they turn into decent human beings. But along the way we make so many mistakes, because we are only human. That’s it. Parenting doesn’t come with a manual despite the millions of books written on the subject. We are

That moment when you realise why your parents shouted, or said no, or fought with you about something that at the time was important to you. That moment when you catch yourself screaming at your child as they are about to step off the pavement in front of an oncoming car because they are just out of arms reach. That’s the moment when you realise why your parents did what they did. That’s the moment you realise you are them now. You are a parent. You are trying to protect them, just as yours were trying to protect you.


This or That?

·       Pizza or Chinese – Chinese, but don’t tell my family, they are all pizza fans!

·       Cinema or a Book – Cinema. I love reading, but I never get the time. I’d have far more chance of making it through a movie, than finishing a book.

·       Night in or Night out – In.

·       Summer or Winter – Summer. I’m a child of Africa.

·       Beach or City – Beach, even though I can’t stand the sand and my hair takes on an unruly life of it’s own!

Thank you so much for sharing!! I am absolutely loved reading your answers!

You can see more of Carly over at:

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Emma x