Spring Sale - Journals


Spring Sale - Journals

from £7.50

Choose from three of my best selling journals to support your practice this Spring


Ready to start your journaling practice? Or looking for a new journal?

As things change here {more on this soon} I’m having a Spring Clean and I’ve got an incredible offer on my journals just for you!

💖 My journals are sticking around and are currently being updated {I can’t wait to share}, however I have some physical stock that has my Old business logo on the back cover and old bio on the ‘note from author page. 

💖 I swear by what’s inside each of the journals, with the prompts and practices so I wanted to share these journals with you at a spring clean discount price! 

👉🏻 Get your copy of any of the below journals for just £8 {RRP £15} or get 2 for £15 {RRP £30} - choose your journal/s at checkout

Journals available 👇🏻

⚡️ Mum Notes ~ 90 Day Daily Journal and Monthly reflections and intention setting

⚡️ Daily Notes ~ 90 Day Daily Journal and Monthly reflections and intention setting

⚡️ Review and Reflect ~ includes prompts that you can use daily, prompts to reflect, prompts to visualise and prompts to set intentions, along with practices to dig deeper into your thinking and over 70 pages of space to journal, along with space for notes. 

Get yours now so you can start journaling this week! 

What’s inside each of the journals?

Mum Notes Journal

This 90 day 116 page undated journal for mums is beautiful way to support yourself as a mother and in all the beautiful contexts of your life, to dig deep into how you are feeling and listen to what you need, in your head, heart and gut.

What’s included in the Mum Notes Journal?

  • Guidance on developing your journaling practice

  • Wheel of Life Activities to support you to reflect on where you are and where you want to be

  • Space to reflect on where you are now

  • Space to visualise where you want to be

  • Intention setting section to set your clear intentions for the next 90 days

  • 90 Days of daily journaling pages

  • Weekly reflections

  • Monthly reflections and intention setting

  • 90 Day overall reflection

  • Space for Notes

Daily Notes Journal

This 90 day 116 page undated journal for mums is beautiful way to support yourself in all the beautiful contexts of your life, to dig deep into how you are feeling and listen to what you need, in your head, heart and gut.

What’s included in the Daily Notes Journal?

  • Guidance on developing your journaling practice

  • Wheel of Life Activities to support you to reflect on where you are and where you want to be

  • Space to reflect on where you are now

  • Space to visualise where you want to be

  • Intention setting section to set your clear intentions for the next 90 days

  • 90 Days of daily journaling pages

  • Weekly reflections

  • Monthly reflections and intention setting

  • 90 Day overall reflection

  • Space for Notes

Rest and Refuel Journal

This journal, a coach in your pocket, a perfect way to gain the tools and resources around your life so that you can develop your journaling practice.

What’s included in the Rest and Refuel Journal?

  • Guidance on developing your journaling practice

  • Journaling prompts to use daily

  • Journaling prompts to use to review and reflect

  • Journaling prompts to visualise your life

  • Journaling prompts to set intentions

  • Space to dig deeper into your journaling practice

  • 84 blank pages for journaling

  • Space for Notes