Habit Tracker E-Book

Habit Tracker E-Book


31 page Habit Tracker to support you to create healthy habits to work towards your overall goals and vision


Habit Tracker

I’m so excited you have chosen to download the habit tracker and are wanting to create better healthier habits.

It is the place for you to really reflect on your current habits, and how they might have kept you stuck in the past and to bring in habits which stick and support you to live your life as authentic as possible. Use the activities and journal prompts, along with the daily trackers to support you. 

So grab a pen, a notebook, get yourself comfortable and gift yourself some time for you.

I can’t wait to see how you get on so please do let me know! 



This workbook includes 31 pages of activities, reflective prompts and daily and weekly trackers to support you in your self care practice.


This is a digital download of the workbook that you can download from your own device.

Once you have checked out you will receive a link to download. This link will last for 24 hours.